Announcing the 2019 CRG Retreat Diedrich Scholars + Applications for CRG Camp Scholarship

Announcing the 2019 CRG Retreat Diedrich Scholars + Applications for CRG Camp Scholarship

The Coffee Roasters Guild (CRG) and Diedrich Roasters are proud to present the recipients of the 2019 Diedrich Roasters Scholarship for CRG Retreat in the USA as well as the launch of the Diedrich Scholarship at CRG Camp in Europe.

2019 Diedrich Scholars at CRG Retreat (USA)

The 2019 Diedrich Scholarship at CRG Retreat covers the registration fees of coffee roasters who have demonstrated leadership in coffee and require financial support to further their professional development. This is the fifth year that Diedrich Roasters have supported roasters at Retreat. Congratulations to the 2019 Retreat Diedrich Scholars:

Diedrich Scholarship Applications Now Open for CRG Camp (France)

Applications are now open for two individual scholarships to CRG Camp in Annecy, France. This award covers registration fees, accommodation during the event, and flights to Geneva. The application deadline is August 23, so if you’re interested in joining us at CRG Camp and are in need of financial support, submit your application on the event website now.

CRG Retreat will take place this August 15-18 in Buford, Georgia, USA, and CRG Camp will take place in Annecy, France, from September 30 to October 3. Retreat and Camp are annual events where professional coffee roasters from around the world gather to share knowledge, learn new skills, and build and renew friendships.

More details and tickets for CRG Retreat and Camp can be found on the event websites at and We look forward to seeing you at one of our events!

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A Chat with Daniel Mendoza

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